Eastern Townships

DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.

eleven Quebec townships lying south of the St. Lawrence River and east of the Richelieu River, an area settled in large part by Loyalists and other American immigrants but now populated largely by French-speaking Canadians.


Eastern Townships, is a general name frequently given to all the Townships extending East from the River Richelieu to the Eastern boundary of the Province, which divides it from the States of New-Hampshire and Massachusettes, of which last State Maine forms a part.
Now many young French Canadians move away, and occupy new lands at a distance from the banks of the St. Lawrence; or remove to the Eastern townships, that fertile country as yet but little appreciated, bounded on the States of New York, Vermont and New Hampshire.
Very pathetic pictures have been drawn of the English-speaking depopulation of the Eastern Townships.
Three thousand teachers in Quebec's Eastern Townships threatened yesterday to resign at the end of the current school year.